"your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it this your gift back to God." This is a real challenge and very true.
Too often in sport we tend to see the opposite. We see highly talented sportsmen and women who are not willing to do the work, to challenge themselves to the maximum and rely solely on their talent, however still expect the results and great performances. The same I feel also applies to coaches, those people who are called to coach but never live up to their full potential and ability because they are not willing to be challenged or challenge themselves to the max.
So for me this comes down to a matter of choice. I choose whether or not I am willing and will utilize my talent gift or will I just live in hope?
With us entering into the Easter weekend, as Christians we get to celebrate and reflect on the biggest gift that we could receive. The gift that the Lord God gave to all of us, one however we get to choose to appreciate, accept and follow. Over this weekend we get to celebrate the fact that Gld sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins and the sins of the world. The Gift of eternal life for us all.
As with Talent, the gift of Jesus Christ, eternal life, is one of choice. The Lord God, like with talent, allows us to choose what we do with it. I just read this tweet, which said ... "@stephanjoubert: In Gethsemane the prayer that changed the history of mankind is heard: "Abba Father... not my will but your will be done'"
As with any choice there is a point of release and acceptance, 'not my will but your will be done'. Are we willing to live out His will for us, His will for our lives, our talent. Are we willin to accept he gift we were given.
So we head into Easter weekend where Jesus Christ exemplified 'not my will but yours'. He knew what the outcome would be, however he continued on the path. His will be done. May we as coaches and athletes be reminded of His will for our talents during this weekend, while we celebrate the gift of eternal life, the gift of Jesus Christ, the gift of the crucifixion. Just the same we know the outcome if we work at our talent to ultimately honour God!
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